Talk:Consolidating Tracks and Exporting Files

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Once your project is finished, you need to move it out of the ProTools environment so that it can be used elsewhere. There are a couple of different ways to do this and each method has its own purpose.

This section covers Consolidating Tracks and Exporting Files, which allows you to save individual regions from ProTools. This happens almost instantly, so it is ideal if you are working with a long project. If you're working with a shorter project with multiple tracks, Bouncing to Disk will likely be your best option.

Often times a project will contain more than one track (ex. voiceover, music beds, etc.)

In order to export this media from ProTools, these tracks need to be consolidated into one track. The export function will transfer one track and one track only. This process is a little tricky at first, but if you follow the steps below, you'll be a pro in no time.

1. Identify sections needing consolidation

Let's use this project as an example:


You want to move as little audio as possible.

For this project, the music at the beginning and the end (located in the bottom green track), needs to be coupled with the voiceover in the top blue track. To do this, we will bounce small sections of the project and then bring those bounced pieces into the voiceover track to make one complete, single-track project.

2. Highlight your selection

Highlight the first section of audio that you want to bounce. Be sure to highlight all of the tracks that you want included.

Beginning selected.png

3. Bounce the audio

Go to File -> Bounce to... -> Disk.

to bounce that selection of audio. (More information about the bouncing process can be found at Bouncing to Disk)

When given options about how you'd like the audio bounced, the following settings are best:

Bounce options.png

Pay attention to where ProTools is sending that file, and what you are naming it. You will need it in a minute.

4. In ProTools, make sure you're in SLIP mode

then hit the Delete key to remove the audio that you bounced out.
Then, find your bounced file in Finder and drag it into that empty space. It should look something like this:

Moving opening.png

Go ahead and play your audio to make sure the transition sounds okay. When placed properly, you won't be able to tell that there are two different pieces of audio at all. Follow the same procedure for the outro of your piece, or any other parts of your piece that need to be consolidated. (It is easiest to work in SHUFFLE mode for the ending, so that your audio lines up perfectly).

5. Now that all of your audio is happily in one track

you need to combine it into one region for Export. Select all of the audio in the track that you are going to consolidate:

Select to combine.png

6. Once your audio is selected

, go to Edit -> Consolidate Region, and your audio will be combined into one region:


7. The tough part is done!

Now, all you need to do is export that same region from ProTools. Use your hand tool to make sure the desired region is selected. Then, find the regions list on the right side, and click on the downward arrow just to the right of where it says Regions. (More information about this part of the window can be found at Track and Regions Menu).


8. Make sure the settings are as follows

Export options.png

9. You can then name your file

, choose where to save it, and you're done!