Talk:Venue tips for photographers

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Pageant and Pagan Productions

Assignment Confirmation - Most often around 5pm the day of the concert.

Obtaining Press Passes:

- No more than five photo passes issued for any given show, and only one issued to a radio station.
- If a radio station is "welcoming" a show, (i.e., "88.1 KDHX presents" or "KSHE presents,") then the Pageant will work directly with that station, giving them preference to cover the event.
- If no other radio station is welcoming the show, then the Pageant will consult with the band's publicist for a decision.
- No +1 tickets will be given, unless the event is a "KDHX Welcomes."
- KDHX welcomes a few shows to the Pageant and getting access to those will be easier than other shows.

Shooting the Show - Usually from a photo pit in front of the stage, enter from either side of the stage. First three songs of each band, act or possibly set. DO NOT shoot from outside of the designated area or time-frame.