Using the Behringer X32 Mixing Console

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General Console Notes

Q: How do we route sound from Protools through console?

A: Using AUX in 1/2 - rerouted channels in routing “home / Aux In Remap” use sends from card 1-2

Q: How do we get Main L/R recorded in protools?

A: Using channels 31/32 in ProTools I/O. This was altered in rerouting Outs 9-16 to expansion card outs 25-32

Info Specific to The Stage

PROD 2 Specific Info

Q: How do we use the PM16s with this?

A: Channels 1 thru 14 have been routed direct to PM16 channels 1-14.

PM16 inputs 15 and 16 are available for re-patching via the patchy, and do not have a default input at present.

mic channels 15-30 on the console DO NOT have direct outs available, and can only be added to PM16s by using MixBusses>Auxes 1,2,3,4. They must be wire patched into the desired PM16 channel.

Q: Besides the 32 mono channels visible in the I/O setup, what else can ProTools record with the X32 as interface

A: We have reset the USB Card routing to use 1-24 from mono mic ins. 25-32 have been re-routed:





29<= FX1L

30<= FX1R

31<= L

32<= R

Q: How do I hear/use the Air Signal?

A: comes in over Aux INs 3/4

Q: How do I use Talkback and the Performance Studio speakers?

A: sending signal to Aux/Bus 5/6 gets it to the perf studio speakers - anything can be routed there, but touching Talk A or B will send to these by internally routed patching.

Setup for Live from The Stage w/Prod 2 mix

Settings to alter on Prod 2 X32

in SETUP on X32, on the GLOBAL tab the SYNCHRONIZATION setting is set AES50 B

Load the Scene titled "Broadcast Setup"

The normal setting for PROD 2 X32 is , Synch set as INTERNAL

To Be Determined

Q: How do we record onboard FX? (how to make aux mix busses show up on USB card outputs)

Q: How do we add limiting by channel (how to avoid clip?) >> maybe via inserting?

Q: How do we make 2 mono Aux input channels into a stereo pair? (for air signal, CDR return, Mac stereo mix out, etc) >> They have been linked with Home tab of that selected channel/aux

Q: How to setup Matrix

 1. Stereo send to Vistamax from the Stage - should include both the LR and House Mics.  
 2. Delayed stereo (or mono) send to Cafe
 3. Mono send to backstage Intercom? (new mono Vistamax feed, or make Cafe mono, or..?

Training Video links

DCA Groups- DCA and Mute Groups Assignment section - cool feature! ringing out the room - need an omni mic?