Removing Unwanted Content from Music

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Editing and Removing Unwanted Content From Music


There are times in life when it becomes necessary to edit a song to play on the air. Indecent language is certainly the most common of the reasons why we would do so. Indecent words include the "F" and "S" words; as well as combinations of words like "ass" and "hole," or "god" and "damn." These can be considered offensive to many and are certainly inappropriate for a young audience. For these reasons, we must ensure that this indecent language never makes it on the air between 6am and 10pm per FCC indecency standards. It is our job at KDHX to remove such indecent content in a way that is both effective at removing the content while remaining as unintrusive to the artist's original work as possible.

In order to do this, we have a few different creative options at our disposal in Pro Tools audio editing software: a drop out, a bleep, a reverse of audio, or a skip (repeat audio).

Setting Up The Pro Tools Session

  1. Click on the Pro Tools Icon in the Program Dock at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click File then New Session.
    1. This will open the "New Session" window where you will select your settings.
  3. Select: Create Blank Session, AIFF for the file type, 44.1 for the sample rate, and 16 for the bit depth.
    1. I/O settings can remain on Last Used.
  4. Click OK.
    1. This will open the "Save" window.
  5. Save your session in the "MISC and Training" Folder as "Artist_Name Of Album_Clean"

Option 1 - The Drop Out

Option 2 - The Bleep

Option 3 - Reverse Audio

Option 4 - The Skip (Repeat Audio)