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These are step-by-step instructions for pre-recording your show. Please also consider making this pre-record evergreen.

Evergreen Shows

Evergreen means the show is timeless and can be ready to air in any situation. Every DJ should have an evergreen in the can for weather emergencies or other emergencies.
NOTE: An Evergreen show can air only one more time at least 6 months after the initial airing.

Evergreen Show Requirements:

  • Do not reference the date, time or even “morning”, “afternoon”, “tonight” etc. or weather.
  • Do not mention upcoming concerts, events, current events etc.
  • Do not mention that an album or song, or really anything, is new.
  • Do not mention the show before or after yours.
  • Although it’s difficult, do not mention the breaks! It may seem odd, but do not mention “after the break” or "after these words" or any reference to an upcoming spot that runs during your show in Wide Orbit. Replace mentioning the break by succinctly ID’ing yourself, the show and KDHX.

Step by Step Instructions for your Pre-Record

1. Scheduling Contact Nick (email) or via 314-881-8504 to reserve Air 2 or Prod 1 to record. We will preferably need at least two weekdays after the session is recorded to have it prepared for automated playout from Wide Orbit. Particularly for the first time, we recommend reserving 3 hours in case of any problems, 4 hours for 3 hour shows. Please reference the KDHX Studio Reservations page to see current studio availability for Air 2 or Prod 1 before requesting available time.

2. Pre-enter your playlist in Spinitron Enter your playlist into Spinitron prior to recording. Even if you don’t typically enter your playlist in advance, this will definitely save time and aggravation so you can focus on recording the show. It is also nearly essential for keeping rough track of time and set breaks every 14-15 minutes. You will be able to roughly gauge where your set breaks will be and plan for them. Every segment should be at least 14 minutes.

  • Choose the correct date the show will air. (Evergreen: If you are unsure when it will air, a date will need to be associated with it. Always select January 1, 2000 and the time your show typically airs. -- Later when you know when the show will air you can change the date by clicking playlists>browse>(select Jan. 1, 2000). Then, edit the playlist to the correct air date.)
  • Choose the “I'm working on the playlist ‘before my show’” option.
  • Choose the "I want manual time-stamps," options so your playlist correlates with the time the songs actually air, not the time it is when you enter them in advance.

3. Pre-Recording your show in Audio Hijack once you’ve viewed | the tutorial Before you arrive or go into the studio to record, please watch this brief tutorial video on | Recording using Audio Hijack. This is the ideal software to use to pre-record your program. We will no longer be recording shows onto CDs. The future is here!

Quick review of Recording Using Audio Hijack Pro:

  • Choose “Quick Record” on the left.
  • Make sure “Hijack” and “Mute” are selected. Look for signal from the mixer in the meter at the top.
  • Be sure that all “Format” settings are correct (WAV, 16-Bit, 44.1 kHz)
  • Save recordings to: Desktop/pre-records
  • Name your file using these proper naming conventions:
  • “Show Name - Air Date 0000-00-00” please add “EV” if evergreen
  • Click “Record” to begin and end recording
  • Find your file on the desktop and move it to the “Pre-Recorded Shows” folder
Error creating thumbnail: File missing

Closing down your Audio Hijack session.

  • Be sure the “Record” button is unclicked - this stops & completes the recording.
  • Quit Audio Hijack from the File menu at the top, or at the bottom of the screen by right-clicking the program icon and choosing “quit.”

4. Just as you do your show live, keep your show running in 14-15 minute segments. Begin every segment with a song and do not make reference to breaks or any of the Wide Orbit spots. Do your back announcing at the end of a set or between songs. This will account for there possibly not being a pre-recorded Wide Orbit spot in between. Do not include any live reads in your recording. For pre-records, the production dept. will now be replacing live reads with spots in wide orbit.

Be sure to leave at least 5 seconds or as long as you need between 15-minute segments. The longer the gap the better.