Talk:Suggestions for locating images

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Suggestions for locating images

For Film Reviews, try Googling the official movie website and grab a still. You might also check the movie's Facebook page, as those often have good quality, large photos that are easily downloaded.

For Theatre Reviews, you may have to get creative. Consider contacting the theatre company by e-mail or Facebook, and request a high resolution image at least 600x400 pixels. Often, the company will get back to you the same day.

  • The sites listed may have thematically related images that you can use if you simply can't find anything usable elsewhere. Do not merely steal images from the internet, if they are not "publicity" related to the production or if they are not in the public domain or if they are not sensibly covered by "free use."

If you need a photo editing tool, this free online image editor is pretty great:

Note: Try to avoid increasing the size of a small image too much. If your image is sharp enough, you may increase the dimensions by maybe 30 pixels to get it to 600x400, but if you increase too much, you will pixelate the image.

If you need to, you may use one of these background textures to help flesh out a smaller image.