Talk:Performing arts publication

From KDHX Production
Revision as of 20:14, 21 February 2014 by ValerieAtKdhx (Talk | contribs)

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This page is intended for use by the Performing Arts Editor.

Logging in to

Log in using the My Account button along the top right side of the homepage, just under the "Donate Now" button.

- The most recent items will show up at the top of the list. If you'd like, you may toggle the Select Category menu, which will allow you to see only the Film Reviews, Theatre Reviews, Visual Arts, etc., depending on what type of review this is.
- You may also toggle Select publishing state to see only the unpublished items.
- Choose the appropriate review, and click on the title to enter editing mode.

Editing the review


Make sure that the review has an AP style headline.


Check that the review has some relevant and correctly spelled tags (keywords). If not, add a few or remove and replace misspelled tags. 4-6 tags are adequate.

Be careful to spell your tags correctly. Use the drop down suggestions whenever possible.


Leave "Featured" defaulted to No.


(see information near the end of this article, when you are ready to complete the process.)

Editor content

Review both the lede and the body text. You may need to click on the Source button to examine the html code if the spacing or formating looks off kilter.

Extra fields

Check the "Extra Fields" tab for accuracy.

Sidebar Drop-Tabs

Author publishing status

On the right of the window, click the blue arrow by Author publishing status to reveal it.


Here you can change the Creation date, which will determine the position of the article in the review section. Reviews are listed chronologically by date. You may also choose when will the article will publish by changing the Start publishing date.

Metadata Information

On the right of the window, click the blue arrow by Metadata Information to reveal it.


Review the Metadata Information to confirm that there is a description (the "lede,") and some good keywords.

Image Tab

Using Photoshop, or some other image resizing tool, change the size of the photograph to 600px wide and 400px high for most articles; 508x170 for Live Performance articles.

If you are not receiving a photo from KDHX volunteer photographers, and are having trouble finding a suitable photograph to use for your article, you may wish to consult with the document Suggestions for locating images.

Item Image - using the "Browse" function, find and choose the 600x400 size photo created for this article. Preferred formats are; JPG, GIF or PNG.

Item image caption - the name of the band and venue or a simple description of the photo contents.

Item image credits - enter the name of the photographer (if known) for the photo used.

- If the image was found on a specific website, use this format; [PHOTOGRAPHER] / [URL]
ex. John Smith /
- If you only have the website where a photo was found, but not the photographer's name, use a short version of the URL. Do not include "http://" or "www." For instance;

Item image preview - after the "Item Image" has been chosen, and the article "Saved," a thumbnail of the image will appear here. To remove it, check the box directly under it, and "Save" or "Apply."

NOTE - A photo that is deleted and replaced often gets caught up in the cache and will not display 
correctly on the webpage. If this occurs, contact kelly at kdhx dot org. He will clear the cache and correct the issue.


When you are satisfied with the review, click Yes and be sure to Save.

Review the article

Open another tab in your browser, find the article at, check it over as it appears on the website, and correct any errors that are found in Joomla.

- if you run into any problems whatsoever with publishing this review, please contact roy at kdhx dot org and he will help you out.

Suggestions for locating images

  • For Film Reviews, try Googling for the official movie site and grabbing a still. Also try Googling for the Facebook page for the movie. Often those pages will have good, large photos.
  • For Theatre Reviews, you may have to get creative. Consider contacting the theatre company by e-mail or Facebook and requesting a hi res (at least 600x400) image. Often, the company will get back to you the same day.
  • The sites listed may have thematically related images that you can use if you simply can't find anything usable elsewhere. Do not merely steal images from the internet, if they are not "publicity" related to the production or if they are not in the public domain or if they are not sensibly covered by "free use."

If you need a photo editing tool, this free online image editor is pretty great:

Note: Try to avoid increasing the size of a small image too much. If your image is sharp enough, you may increase the dimensions by maybe 30 pixels to get it to 600x400, but if you increase too much, you will pixelate the image.

If you need to, you may use one of these background textures to help flesh out a smaller image.

Corrections to Published Articles

  • If a published article on requires a factual correction, you may simply correct the mistake, and then append a note in italics at the bottom of the article.
  • For instance, if a theatre review incorrectly identified an actor, the correction note would look like this:
    • Correction: The review originally cited Nick Henderson in the role of Ferdinand. In fact, Aaron Dodd played this part.
  • Corrections of typos, misspellings etc. need not be noted at the end of the article. Only significant corrections of fact.
  • Check out this example.