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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
00:31, 27 May 2014 Yellowroom1.png (file) 209 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:54, 26 May 2014 Loungewindow2.png (file) 224 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:54, 26 May 2014 Loungewindow.png (file) 325 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:35, 26 May 2014 Hotspot4.png (file) 346 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:35, 26 May 2014 Hotspot3.png (file) 263 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:35, 26 May 2014 Hotspot2.png (file) 330 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:34, 26 May 2014 Hotspot1.png (file) 237 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:14, 26 May 2014 Badwindows8.png (file) 242 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:13, 26 May 2014 Badwindows7.png (file) 384 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:12, 26 May 2014 Badwindows6.png (file) 279 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:11, 26 May 2014 Badwindows5.png (file) 269 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:10, 26 May 2014 Badwindows4.png (file) 378 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:09, 26 May 2014 Badwindows3.png (file) 239 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:07, 26 May 2014 Badwindows2.png (file) 171 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
23:03, 26 May 2014 Badwindows1.png (file) 215 KB ValerieAtKdhx bad placement in front of windows 1
22:48, 26 May 2014 Guitaristnowindow.png (file) 346 KB ValerieAtKdhx Guitarist with no window in shot 1
22:44, 26 May 2014 Guitaristwithwindow.png (file) 301 KB ValerieAtKdhx Guitarist with window in shot - bad lighting 1
22:38, 26 May 2014 Nowindows.JPG (file) 1.35 MB ValerieAtKdhx The LJW windows 1
22:30, 26 May 2014 3windows.JPG (file) 1.07 MB ValerieAtKdhx The windows of LJW studio 1
22:19, 26 May 2014 Shooting bad background2.png (file) 423 KB ValerieAtKdhx   1
20:32, 26 May 2014 CanonBattery.jpg (file) 29 KB ValerieAtKdhx Illustration Canon battery placement 2
20:13, 26 May 2014 Flipcam buttons.jpg (file) 30 KB ValerieAtKdhx Illustration of flip camera buttons 3
18:53, 15 May 2014 Solo shooting medium.jpg (file) 392 KB ValerieAtKdhx   3
18:53, 15 May 2014 Solo shooting vocalist.jpg (file) 409 KB ValerieAtKdhx   3
18:52, 15 May 2014 Solo shooting close up.jpg (file) 296 KB ValerieAtKdhx   3
17:26, 12 May 2014 Shooting bad background.jpg (file) 1.72 MB ValerieAtKdhx   3
21:36, 7 May 2014 Prodstor musicbeds.png (file) 142 KB Meganadmin   1
23:24, 4 May 2014 Directory-structure2.png (file) 76 KB ValerieAtKdhx   2
21:54, 4 May 2014 Shooting rule of 3rds.jpg (file) 390 KB ValerieAtKdhx   2
21:43, 4 May 2014 Shooting solo guitar.jpg (file) 446 KB ValerieAtKdhx   2
21:42, 4 May 2014 Shooting drummer.jpg (file) 539 KB ValerieAtKdhx   2
21:40, 4 May 2014 Shooting rhythm section.jpg (file) 564 KB ValerieAtKdhx   2
21:39, 4 May 2014 Shooting lead vocalist.jpg (file) 405 KB ValerieAtKdhx   2
19:47, 21 April 2014 Name-on-track.png (file) 9 KB Alli wils   1
19:47, 21 April 2014 Track-naming.png (file) 48 KB Alli wils   1
19:19, 21 April 2014 Saving-to-desktop.png (file) 62 KB Cocofunk   1
21:38, 18 April 2014 Ambience Beginning.png (file) 85 KB Alli wils   1
21:35, 18 April 2014 To the beginning.png (file) 4 KB Alli wils   1
21:25, 18 April 2014 Ruler highlight.png (file) 41 KB Alli wils   1
21:23, 18 April 2014 Highlight crossfade.png (file) 21 KB Alli wils   2
21:18, 18 April 2014 Blue arrow ruler.png (file) 17 KB Alli wils   1
17:32, 18 April 2014 RiffRaff.jpg (file) 77 KB ValerieAtKdhx Example for band portraits 1
17:26, 18 April 2014 StPaulandBrokenBones.jpg (file) 61 KB ValerieAtKdhx Example of Band portrait format 1
17:26, 18 April 2014 Ume.jpg (file) 45 KB ValerieAtKdhx Example of Band portrait format 1
17:26, 18 April 2014 BruiserQueen.jpg (file) 66 KB ValerieAtKdhx Example of Band portrait format 1
17:25, 18 April 2014 NoahGunderson.jpg (file) 77 KB ValerieAtKdhx Example of Band portrait format 1
17:24, 18 April 2014 GaryNuman.jpg (file) 57 KB ValerieAtKdhx Portrait example 1
19:35, 16 April 2014 Missing clip.png (file) 12 KB Alli wils   1
19:34, 16 April 2014 Missing clip in edit window.png (file) 45 KB Alli wils   1
19:33, 16 April 2014 Missing files prompt.png (file) 35 KB Alli wils   1

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