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Claim the Session in Basecamp - review this guide for more detail about how we use Basecamp

Research Band

Greet Performers and Entourage

  • Arrive PRIOR to the artists and prepare studio (*not too much gear, and stay ready to be flexible)
  • Thank them for performing at KDHX
  • Direct to performance studio and observation
  • Explain hospitality (coffee, tea, water, soda machine)
  • Point out bathrooms

Orient Performers to Studio

  • Present available backline and drum kit, rear building entry for load-in
  • Explain performance vs. recording studio (live, no overdubs)
  • Discuss material to b performed - 3 songs, ideally originals, as we will not be able to post non-original material in archive. (We may air it, but won't post video or audio to YouTube or SoundCloud)
  • Explain ‘proscenium’ and ideal setup for both audio and video capture - turning in to semi-circle is OK, but do not close the circle

Prepare Inputs

  • Mics for everything
  • DIs as possible (bass, synths, mixers, gadgets)
  • Determine who will be primary spokesperson
  • Line check each mic and input, adjusting mic placement, pre-amp, and EQ as needed
  • Discuss monitoring – point out monitoring mixer function, which channel is which signal, the onboard ambiance mic, etc

Prepare Outputs

  • Setup recording session in ProTool, creating, labeling, and arming all mono inputs, including stereo inputs for Lexicon effects returns (channels 29/30) and board mix (patched to 31/32 via submixes 3 and 4)
  • Setup board mix CDRecorder for backup capture
  • Run at least one song for mix / soundcheck


Ready Recording / Air DJ / Talent

  • After DJ conference, give standby timing for performers
  • Begin recording playback (prior to session start cue)
  • Monitor performance, recording and levels throughout
  • If pre-record, use red light switch (on wall in mix studio)
  • During interview segments, remove FX from audio and reset gains/faders to maintain broadcast 0 output.
  • Stay alert – alterations are required constantly


Wrap Session with Artist

  • Request that they sign our release form (File:KDHX Production Release 2012-13v3.pdf), w/accurate spelling on song titles, contact info re: obtaining follow up permissions for non-broadcast uses
  • Thank them for performing at KDHX
  • Generate a text file of session details (song titles & volunteer staffing), referencing the release form

Author (cut/edit) Audio for CD *

  • Finalize CD and label it: Band Name, Date, and “Board Master”
  • Mount “authoring” drive, and setup ProTools session, import board master audio
  • Cut into tracks, removing non-broadcast material, and concentrating on accurate beginnings for each segment (intro, song, interview, song, etc)
  • Export CD-ready AIF files to authoring drive within the session folder
  • Use Toast to burn CD copies for artist(s), DJ, and archive
  • Print text file for DJ and band CD copies
  • Create CD envelope, deposit board master and labeled cut CD: Band Name, Date, Total Run Time and # of tracks.

Publish Audio

  • Convert tracks to mp3 in iTunes as shown here
  • Upload set to SoundCloud, and add metadata
  • (If video was shot) convert tracks to 48k AIF in iTunes, and move (with a copy of the text file) to the “production” server’s “transfer” folder

NOTE: if you are not able to finish the authoring/mastering, CD burns, and SoundCloud publishing within 24 hours of the session – due to need for remix, other time constraints, or whatever – please message Andy, Chris Bay (re:web article publishing), Nick Aquisto (re: band management & DJ contact) about it. Please send a comment on the milestone that 1.) it will be delayed, and 2.) when you anticipate being able to complete that work. Thanks!