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The Local Artist Spotlight is a 2:30 to 3 minute production highlighting local bands. It is not inherently promotional of the band, but serves to inform our listeners about local music that they might enjoy. The focus isn’t what benefits the band, rather our listeners.
*Select Band/Artist from [https://kdhxtest.basecamphq.com/W1948108 Basecamp Writeboard]. At least every other artist you profile should come from the top of this list.
*Research Artist - review website, facebook, myspace, etc
*Write down a few questions relating to your research.
*Check the [[KDHX Studio Reservations]] to find available times to schedule interviews.
*Contact Artist to schedule interview and request the studio time span reservations with KDHX Staff.
*Create new ProTools session (on desktop)
*Meet with Artist/Band to conduct Interview - try to limit to 20 minutes, and coach talent to acquire short sound bites. See [[Local Artist Spotlight Interview Tips]]
*Print this [https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8_l6DlJAV6cb2h5RmVCQkROU3c/edit?usp=sharing ''Property Sharing release form''] and have the band representative fill it out - discuss and note permission to use photo (from website, myspace, etc?), and request  downloadable mp3 be specified. 
*Discuss anticipated airdate, airtimes and podcast details with band.
*Acquire CD of latest material - earmark 4 songs for use in segment (ask band about preferred starter, ender, and other songs showing breadth)
*Post-interview, jot down 3 or 4 main points of interest from interview (while its fresh in your mind)
*Find podcast image online (or receive via e-mail) and save into your session folder.
*Open "LAS Standard Script" from ProTools Sessions/Local Artist Spotlight/LAS Standard Docs folder and "save as..." into your new ProTools session folder, using the name of the band as the script title.
*Review interview, and begin to mark and isolate the quotes supporting your identified main points of interest.  (title your clips by double clicking with the hand tool)
*Import selected music tracks into session, placing opening and closing music into position (create a 3:00 max timeframe). Consider how additional cuts fit with earmarked quotes.
*Edit quotes to 10-15 secs
*Compose and record narration (10-15secs for each part). Narration should help link the quotes together, or restate anything that you thought was a great idea in the interview that didn’t quite come across as a soundbite. Narration should also identify the speaker opening the quote at a minimum.  Avoid use of “so and so says,”  Instead use a declarative sentence that sets up the quote, e.g. use something like "Steve Rpberts is the singer and primary songwriter for X band," to precede his quote about the themes in their music.
*Mix and sweeten with particular attention to the 'featured' audio at any given moment.  This is, use subtle fading techniques to lead into and out of each part - intro music at full, dips to be a bed under the opening narration, then we hear the song at full volume until fading under the next passage, etc.
*Bounce final to Stereo WAV and title according to Wide Orbit specs (LA1000?.wav)
*Close program and save session.  Move session from desktop to server.  Verify data on server by opening the copied .ptx file and hitting play.  Close program, delete folder on the desktop.
*FTP (Cyberduck) final to WO system, and add titling/metadata via Wide Orbit Audio Finder.  Properties: Title, Artist, Voice only / Restrictions: Start Date and End Date - two weeks total (starting one day early and one day late)
==Podcasting/Final Steps==
*Consult the [[KDHX.org/OnDemand Podcast Guide]] for details on the next two steps.
*Convert final LAS wav and selected downloadable song from CD to mp3s using iTunes 256kbps (128/stereo channel). Import these files from iTunes Media folder (within Finder's Places in left sidebar) into your session folder.
*Upload mp3s (LAS and download song) to MediaCore, which serves as file host. Publish Podcast via kdhx.org/ondemand MediaCore backend.
*Notify band with link to podcast, and e-mail final mp3.
*Update the [https://kdhxtest.basecamphq.com/W2729288 Local Artist Spotlight Archive] with the air date and band from your spot.

Latest revision as of 18:18, 23 March 2015